March for Babies

Monday, July 27, 2009

Make-A-Wish Footage

Go to
On the left you will see links to photos of Amanda's Elmo wish and another
link for the replay of the video of the Saturday Night Awards Ceremony. We
appear at the beginning of the ceremony (so you do not have to watch the
whole thing). I do suggest watching the video, at least through the
interview with Kevin Clash (Elmo's "Best Friend").

We had a BLAST! More detailed info to come, just wanted to share this bit
with you.

Mere :0)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Manda's Make-A-Wish

Watch tonight online! around 7ish (EST).

Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer Update

In order of importance:

Amanda's blood work on Monday showed her AFP at 2.9 which is well within the
negative range. Her CT scan on Thursday was all clear. No visible signs of
cancer. This means that we will be hearing from pediatric surgery to
schedule an out patient procedure to have her port taken out. It has been in
just over a year and as it is not necessary anymore (they can just insert an
IV every 3 to 6 months as needed) it is safer to remove it for fear of blood
clots, etc.

She is healthy, aside from a bit of a chest cold the last couple of weeks.
She coughs and hacks like a middle-aged smoker in the mornings but then
seems fine. She is growing like a weed and tells us several times a day,
"I'm getting bigger!" She is talking more and can not only recite lines from
shows she has watched, if she knows it well enough, she will play one part
while I play the other part and we will act out the scene together. SO
FUNNY! She has also taken to telling us, "I'm SUPER Manda!" Hmm. Do you
think we need to worry about her self-esteem?

Make-A-Wish of Michigan is not only celebrating their 25th anniversary next
weekend, they are also announcing Amanda as their 6000th wish! They are
pulling out all the stops and it should be an amazing weekend with the
Wammys on the 25th (their awards ceremony for the Wish-A-Mile (WAM) 300-mile
bike tour, think Grammy Awards only for WAM) and the big celebration party
on the 26th with games and face painting, etc. for the kids. We will be
meeting some very special people but as there are surprises involved, I will
wait until after next weekend to put it all in writing on the internet. :-)

You may have noticed I have slacked off on the updates here. As is my
personal habit, I don't tend to write much when things are going well. Give
me something to worry/complain about and you cannot shut me up, but when
things are going smoothly...*shrug* Stay tuned for more information about
the Make-A-Wish weekend and our upcoming Make-A-Wish trip (there are changes
afoot, I'll fill in details when they are ironed out).

Thank you for your continued interest and support!

Mere :0)